Chaalis Chaurasi action/comedy is an upcoming Bollywood Movie will be released on 13 January 2012. The movie revolves around a police van - MH-02-A- 4084 and four cops. This movie star cast inclues Naseeruddin Shah, Kay Kay Menon, Shweta Bhardwaj, Atul Kulkarni, Ravi Kissen, Manoj Pahwa, Rajesh Sharma, Reetu Jain and Zakir Hussain. Naseeruddin Shah, Atul Kulkarni, Kay Kay Menon and Ravi Kissen are playing leading role in this comedy movie. The Movie Chaalis Chaurasi is Directed by Hriday Shetty and produced by Anuya Mhaiskar, Sachin Awasthee, Uday Shetty. Daler Mehndi and Mamta Sharma are the singers of this movie and Lalit Pandit is music director.